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This function provides a wrapper around umap::umap() that exposes the umap defaults as function arguments.


UMAP(x, ...)

# S3 method for class 'pca'
  n_neighbors = 15,
  n_components = 2,
  metric = "euclidean",
  n_epochs = 200,
  input = "data",
  init = "spectral",
  min_dist = 0.1,
  set_op_mix_ratio = 1,
  local_connectivity = 1,
  bandwidth = 1,
  alpha = 1,
  gamma = 1,
  negative_sample_rate = 5,
  a = NA,
  b = NA,
  spread = 1,
  random_state = NA,
  transform_state = NA,
  knn = NA,
  knn_repeats = 1,
  verbose = FALSE,
  umap_learn_args = NA

# S3 method for class 'prcomp'
  metadata = NULL,
  n_neighbors = 15,
  n_components = 2,
  metric = "euclidean",
  n_epochs = 200,
  input = "data",
  init = "spectral",
  min_dist = 0.1,
  set_op_mix_ratio = 1,
  local_connectivity = 1,
  bandwidth = 1,
  alpha = 1,
  gamma = 1,
  negative_sample_rate = 5,
  a = NA,
  b = NA,
  spread = 1,
  random_state = NA,
  transform_state = NA,
  knn = NA,
  knn_repeats = 1,
  verbose = FALSE,
  umap_learn_args = NA

# S3 method for class 'matrix'
  metadata = NULL,
  n_neighbors = 15,
  n_components = 2,
  metric = "euclidean",
  n_epochs = 200,
  input = "data",
  init = "spectral",
  min_dist = 0.1,
  set_op_mix_ratio = 1,
  local_connectivity = 1,
  bandwidth = 1,
  alpha = 1,
  gamma = 1,
  negative_sample_rate = 5,
  a = NA,
  b = NA,
  spread = 1,
  random_state = NA,
  transform_state = NA,
  knn = NA,
  knn_repeats = 1,
  verbose = FALSE,
  umap_learn_args = NA

# S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  metadata = NULL,
  n_neighbors = 15,
  n_components = 2,
  metric = "euclidean",
  n_epochs = 200,
  input = "data",
  init = "spectral",
  min_dist = 0.1,
  set_op_mix_ratio = 1,
  local_connectivity = 1,
  bandwidth = 1,
  alpha = 1,
  gamma = 1,
  negative_sample_rate = 5,
  a = NA,
  b = NA,
  spread = 1,
  random_state = NA,
  transform_state = NA,
  knn = NA,
  knn_repeats = 1,
  verbose = FALSE,
  umap_learn_args = NA

# S3 method for class 'dist'
  metadata = NULL,
  n_neighbors = 15,
  n_components = 2,
  metric = "euclidean",
  n_epochs = 200,
  input = "dist",
  init = "spectral",
  min_dist = 0.1,
  set_op_mix_ratio = 1,
  local_connectivity = 1,
  bandwidth = 1,
  alpha = 1,
  gamma = 1,
  negative_sample_rate = 5,
  a = NA,
  b = NA,
  spread = 1,
  random_state = NA,
  transform_state = NA,
  knn = NA,
  knn_repeats = 1,
  verbose = FALSE,
  umap_learn_args = NA



PCA object, prcomp object, or numeric matrix/data.frame that can be converted to a numeric matrix


Number of nearest neighbors. Default 15


Dimension of target (output) space. Default 2


character or function; determines how distances between data points are computed. When using a string, available metrics are: euclidean, manhattan. Other available generalized metrics are: cosine, pearson, pearson2. Note the triangle inequality may not be satisfied by some generalized metrics, hence knn search may not be optimal. When using metric.function as a function, the signature must be function(matrix, origin, target) and should compute a distance between the origin column and the target columns. Default "euclidean"


Number of iterations performed during layout optimization. Default 200


character, use either "data" or "dist"; determines whether the primary input argument to umap() is treated as a data matrix or as a distance matrix. Default "data"


character or matrix. The default string "spectral" computes an initial embedding using eigenvectors of the connectivity graph matrix. An alternative is the string "random", which creates an initial layout based on random coordinates. This setting.can also be set to a matrix, in which case layout optimization begins from the provided coordinates. Default "spectral"


numeric; determines how close points appear in the final layout. Default 0.1


numeric in range [0,1]; determines who the knn-graph is used to create a fuzzy simplicial graph. Default 1


numeric; used during construction of fuzzy simplicial set. Default 1


numeric; used during construction of fuzzy simplicial set. Default 1


numeric; initial value of "learning rate" of layout optimization. Default 1


numeric; determines, together with alpha, the learning rate of layout optimization. Default 1


integer; determines how many non-neighbor points are used per point and per iteration during layout optimization. Default 5


numeric; contributes to gradient calculations during layout optimization. When left at NA, a suitable value will be estimated automatically. Default NA


numeric; contributes to gradient calculations during layout optimization. When left at NA, a suitable value will be estimated automatically. Default NA


numeric; used during automatic estimation of a/b parameters. Default 1


integer; seed for random number generation used during umap(). Default NA


nteger; seed for random number generation used during predict(). Default NA


object of class umap.knn; precomputed nearest neighbors. Default NA


number of times to restart knn search. Default 1


logical or integer; determines whether to show progress messages. Default FALSE


vector of arguments to python package umap-learn. Default NA


Optional data.frame with sample-level metadata. Used if a prcomp object or data.frame/matrix is supplied. Default NULL


data.frame with the UMAP embeddings. If metadata was supplied then metadata columns are added to the results.


# Create metadata for plotting
metadata <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(GSE161650_lc))
metadata$Group <- rep(c("DMSO", "THZ1"), each = 3)

# PCA with PCAtools
p <- PCAtools::pca(GSE161650_lc, metadata, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)

# PCA with prcomp
pr <- prcomp(t(GSE161650_lc), center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE)

# Pre-calculated distance matrix
d <- dist(t(GSE161650_lc))

# Perform UMAP on each data type
udata <- UMAP(p, n_neighbors = 2)
#> Warning: failed creating initial embedding; using random embedding instead
#> Warning: failed creating initial embedding; using random embedding instead
udata2 <- UMAP(pr, metadata, n_neighbors = 2)
#> Warning: failed creating initial embedding; using random embedding instead
#> Warning: failed creating initial embedding; using random embedding instead
udata3 <- UMAP(d, metadata, n_neighbors = 2)
#> Warning: failed creating initial embedding; using random embedding instead
#> Warning: failed creating initial embedding; using random embedding instead

# Also on raw data
udata4 <- UMAP(t(GSE161650_lc), metadata, n_neighbors = 2)
#> Warning: failed creating initial embedding; using random embedding instead
#> Warning: failed creating initial embedding; using random embedding instead