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Compute outliers for all columns of a numeric matrix using the IQR method. For each column of the input matrix, a value is called as an outlier if the value is less than the first quartile i.e. Q1 - IQR * scale factor or greater than Q3 + IQR * scale factor.


outliers_by_iqr(X, scale_factor = 1.5)



numeric matrix or data.frame that can be converted to a numeric matrix with variables in the columns and sample names in the rows.


numeric. Factor to scale the outlier range. default 1.5.


numeric matrix where values of 1L indicates an outlier and 0L indicates non-outlier


M <- matrix(
  data = c(rnorm(10, 10, 1), rnorm(10, 100, 15)),
  ncol = 2,
  dimnames = list(paste0("sample", 1:10), c("var1", "var2"))

# Create one outlier in first and last rows
M[1, 1] <- 100
M[1, 2] <- 1000
M[10, 1] <- -10
M[10, 2] <- 0

# Show outliers on boxplot

# Call outliers in each column
#>          var1 var2
#> sample1     1    1
#> sample2     0    0
#> sample3     0    0
#> sample4     0    0
#> sample5     0    0
#> sample6     0    0
#> sample7     0    0
#> sample8     0    0
#> sample9     0    0
#> sample10    1    1