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This function will perform a fisher.test() for all columns relative to the given reference column of the input 2 x m matrix and return a data.frame of the results.


pairwise_fisher_test(x, ref)



numeric 2 x m data.frame, matrix, or table


column name of the reference column of the input matrix


data.frame of results for each test.


The function performs a fisher test for each test column relative to the reference column of the input matrix. The input matrix must be a 2 x m matrix. It is the user's responsibility to ensure the levels of the rows align with the desired odds ratio calculation. e.g. R will calculate the odds ratio as (x[1, "test_col"] / x[2, "test_col"]) / (x[1, "ref_col"] / x[2, "ref_col"]). It is the user's responsibility to make sure x[1, ] and x[2, ] are in the desired order.


# From chisq.test docs:
M <- as.table(rbind(c(762, 327, 468), c(484, 239, 477)))
dimnames(M) <- list(
  gender = c("F", "M"),
  party = c("Democrat", "Independent", "Republican")
pairwise_fisher_test(M, ref = "Independent")
#>                  comparison odds_ratio    ci_low   ci_high     p_value
#> 1   Democrat vs Independent  1.1505995 0.9349959 1.4151128 0.178627092
#> 2 Republican vs Independent  0.7172647 0.5779167 0.8894628 0.002018961
#>   p_value_adj
#> 1 0.357254185
#> 2 0.004037923